Welcome to Week 22!

Hello! I hope you are taking care of yourself. This week has a few links about how to better manage, feed your brain, and communicate:

  1. Heaps.io Game Engine 🎮 - I recently stumbled upon this game engine, which looks quite interesting. Some shipped titles have used it (Evoland 1 and 2 notably) and I am very curious about the iteration cycle workflow. It’s using the Haxe programming language, which looks a bit like Javascript but has a compiler and is strictly typed. Let me know if you’ve tried this out!
  2. Managing Up for Engineers by Arquay Harris of Slack for Elevate2020 by Plato ⬆️ - I virtually attended Elevate2020 and really liked this talk. Managing up is still new to me but I have found it to be a very powerful concept. Arquay does a great job describing it and goes through a number of scenarios to demonstrate how to do it. I highly recommend this talk.
  3. Drawing Lines is Hard 🖋 - This is mostly about WebGL, but in general there are a surprising number of ways to draw lines with a GPU, and each has their pros and cons. This article is a good overview and includes some interactive examples.
  4. The Top 4 Nutrients for Brain Health, Focus, and Memory 🧠 This is more quality content from Coach Dan Garner. He references a number of studies demonstrating the impact of how certain foods can improve brain health and cognition.
  5. Poor communication is the primary reason systems and relationships fail 🗣 - Effective communication is important for work and life. This article speaks to communicating effectively to and within teams. There are great lessons in here.

Questions or comments? Suggestions? Let me know! Thanks very much for reading and see you next week!
